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My Digital Projects

Welcome to my portfolio. Here you’ll find a selection of my work. Explore my projects to learn more about what I've created.

My Google Maps: Mexico

I made a map with places in or around my mom's hometown in Mexico that I have visited since I was a kid. These are some of my favorite places in and around Guadalajara, which is the biggest city in the state of Jalisco. These places include Colómos, which is a park that people visit to see its gardens, animals, and wildlife. I also included my Abuelita's house and some beaches that are nearby.


360 Campus Tour

Here is a 360 tour of some cool places on campus at UNH! Unfortunately our camera died as soon as we got to Hannaford, but we got some great pictures pictures of Thompson Hall, Main Street, and others.

Maine Mill Digital Curation Project

As a part of the Maine Mill Digital Memorial Media team, I compiled screenshots of social media posts made to Instagram around the time of the Lewiston Shootings. This project involved a sensitive subject matter that needed to be handled with respect. I focused on universities and colleges in and around Lewiston, Maine.

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